Columns Example 3 Boxs

Sample Title One

  • There are many variations
  • Lorem Ipsum you need to be sure
  • Internet tend to repeat predefined
  • Latin words combined with
  • This book is treatise on the theory


Sample Title Two

  • There are many variations
  • Lorem Ipsum you need to be sure
  • Internet tend to repeat predefined
  • Latin words combined with
  • This book is treatise on the theory

Thumbs Up

Sample Title Three

  • There are many variations
  • Lorem Ipsum you need to be sure
  • Internet tend to repeat predefined
  • Latin words combined with
  • This book is treatise on the theory

Hand Right


Columns Example 4 Boxs

Sample Title One

  • There many variations
  • Lorem Ipsum you need
  • Internet tend to predefine
  • Latin words combined
  • This book on the theory


Sample Title Two

  • There many variations
  • Lorem Ipsum you need
  • Internet tend to predefine
  • Latin words combined
  • This book on the theory


Sample Title Three

  • There many variations
  • Lorem Ipsum you need
  • Internet tend to predefine
  • Latin words combined
  • This book on the theory


Sample Title Four

  • There many variations
  • Lorem Ipsum you need
  • Internet tend to predefine
  • Latin words combined
  • This book on the theory



Page Columns

1/2 Half page

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate.

1/2 Half page

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate.

1/3 Third page

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks necessary making this the first true on the Internet.

1/3 Third page

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks necessary making this the first true on the Internet.

1/3 Third page

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks necessary making this the first true on the Internet.

1/4 Fourth page

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet necessary making this the first true on the Internet.

1/4 Fourth page

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet necessary making this the first true on the Internet.

1/4 Fourth page

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet necessary making this the first true on the Internet.

1/4 Fourth page

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet necessary making this the first true on the Internet.

1/4 Fourth page

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet necessary making this the first true on the Internet.

3/4 Third page

>All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet rators on the Inte rators on the Internet necessary making this the first tr rnet necessary making this the first tr tend to repeat predefined chunks necessary making this the first true on the Internet.>All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet rators on the Inte rators on the Internet necessary making this the first tr rnet necessary making this the first tr tend to repeat predefined chunks necessary making this the first true on the Internet.>All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet rators on the Inte rators on the Internet necessary making this the first tr rnet necessary making this the first tr tend to repeat predefined chunks necessary making this the first true on the Internet.>All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet rators on the Inte rators on the Internet necessary making this the first tr rnet necessary making this the first tr tend to repeat predefined chunks necessary making this the first true on the Internet.>All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet rators on the Inte rators on the Internet necessary making this the first tr rnet necessary making this the first tr tend to repeat predefined chunks necessary making this the first true on the Internet.>All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet rators on the Inte rators on the Internet necessary making this the first tr rnet necessary making this the first tr tend to repeat predefined chunks necessary making this the first true on the Internet.All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet rators on the Inte rators on the Internet necessary making this the first tr rnet necessary making this the first tr tend to repeat predefined chunks necessary making this the first true on the Internet.

3/4 Fourth page

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet necessary making this the first true on the Internet.

1/4 Third page

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet rators on the Inte rators on the Internet necessary making this the first tr rnet necessary making this the first tr tend to repeat predefined chunks necessary making this the first true on the Internet.

1/5 Fifth page

Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet rators the Inte rators on the.

1/5 Fifth page

Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet rators the Inte rators on the.

1/5 Fifth page

Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet rators the Inte rators on the.

1/5 Fifth page

Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet rators the Inte rators on the.

1/5 Fifth page

Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet rators the Inte rators on the.



Numerosi studi clinici dimostrano un aumento della risposta completa con scomparsa clinica del tumore quando alla radio o alla chemioterapia viene aggiunta l’ipertermia. Mediamente, l’incremento della risposta si aggira attorno al 35% e riguarda i tumori della mammella, del collo uterino, i sarcomi delle parti molli,i tumori della vescica,il glioblastoma cerebrale e i tumori della regione del capo-collo. L’ipertermia, essendo un potente radio e chemio-sensibilizzante aumenta l’efficacia delle cure convenzionali senza aggiungere tossicità. Inoltre essa funziona come immuno-modulante ed è in grado di stimolare il sistema di difesa naturale del paziente in terapia che spesso viene depresso dai farmaci oncologici e dalle radiazioni ionizzanti impiegate in radioterapia. Gran parte di questi studi sono stati condotti mediante sorteggio dei pazienti (random) che casualmente confluivano parte nel gruppo sperimentale, dove la ipertermia veniva aggiunta al trattamento standard e parte nel gruppo di controllo dove si eseguiva la sola terapia convenzionale, in genere radio o/e chemioterapia. Queste ricerche cliniche, i cui risultati non sono manipolabili dai ricercatori essendo la scelta dei pazienti affidata al caso, vengono definite studi randomizzati


(Tab 2) Vari studi clinici randomizzati hanno documentato l’efficacia della ipertermia aggiunta alla radio o chemioterapia nei tumori dell’ esofago, pancreas, retto, ano e melanoma con livelli di massima evidenza. Questi studi sono stati rivalutati nel corso della Consensus Conference di Osaka del 2004 che ha riunito vari esperti da tutto il mondo scientifico e dato il via alla moderna ipertermia oncologica. Le linee guida emerse da questo confronto sono state pubblicate su International Journal of Hyperthermia nel 2008 (vol 24 n°2). Questi studi, ed altri che sono seguiti, consentono ora alla ipertermia di essere inclusa in alcune linee-guida internazionali e di avere uno spazio di tutto rispetto tra le diverse terapie oncologiche.


  1. Ann Oncol. 2002 Aug;13(8):1173-84.Heating the patient: a promising approach? van der Zee J.
  2. 2010 Nov-Dec;96(6):902-10. The role of hyperthermia in the battle against cancer. Palazzi M, Maluta S, Dall'Oglio S, Romano M.